Gifted and Talented is an important part of Greenford High School but is it a good thing, or is it a bad thing?
Do you think that Gifted and Talented is a good thing to have in Greenford High School, Ken?
In a way yes because it gives people someone to aspire to within their own peers.
Well no because it kind of shows up the other students who might work even harder than them.
How do you feel being in all the top sets for every subject though not being chosen to be in the gifted and talented?
It doesn't bother me too much because personally I already know that I have some intelligence which does not require any recognition.
Do you think people in Greenford High not being in the Gifted and Talented team decreases their ego to, how you say, “aspire”?
It depends on their personality since you can take it in two ways either, using it to boost yourself and achieve higher, or you can use it to put yourself down and an excuse to not do well in school. Personally i choose to use it to encourage myself to achieve good results (which i am still working on).
Do you think that being in Gifted and Talented improves your ego and your sense of knowledge to do better or is it just for the trips?
I think its half and half as some people take advantage of the situation whilst others just rest on their laurels.
Teachers Opinion
I understand both arguments: that G&T can be motivating to some while demotivating or discouraging to others. I think the most important thing is that students who want to challenge themselves and work on independent and creative projects have a chance to do so.
By Peter Armah
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